Phone: 888-237-3127, Ext. 2 - E-mail:

If you'd love to leave a bequest to your favorite charity, but would really like to see your donation put to good use in your lifetime...

Our new, unique approach to charitable giving can make that happen! And you will get the following benefits:

  • An immediate tax deduction
  • Lifetime income
  • Double income for up to five years, to address long-term care needs
  • The joy of giving, and seeing your bequest make a positive difference in your designated charity's causes during your lifetime.

Attend our webinars to learn how. Use the contact form at right to inquire about the next webinar.

Or... click here for a brief explanation of how it all works.

If you're a charity, and would love to realize immediate benefits from donor bequests, contact us.

Fill in the form at right, and learn how to receive immediate funds from donor bequests, and avoid having to wait 20 years, or until your donor passes away (Charitable Remainder Trusts), or having to settle for an annual income instead of a lump sum (Charitable Lead Trusts).
Fill in the form below to send us an email with your inquiry:

My information:

(*) If you sign up for our mailing list, we will occasionally notify you of upcoming events that we believe might interest you. We might also send you alerts if we believe that there is something important that you should know.

Here's what we will not do:
• We will not spam you.
• We will not sell or divulge your contact information to anyone, under any circumstances.

Phone: 888-237-3127, Ext. 2 - E-mail: