The Organizational Plan
BFS Dual Legacy Charities, Inc.
This is nothing less than: A Perpetual Income Plan for Your Organization.
It's a legacy that keeps giving to your organization. Year after year after year.- To cover expenses, your organization could have an income base that continually gets restored! With this plan, you get to use the same money, over and over and over again.
- You can diversify part of your endowment into multiple investments and/or guaranteed options.
- And, you can withdraw 4% to 6% annually to covering operating expenses.
- And… after using all that money for operating expenses (year after year), when your plan designee dies, your original investment (or more!) is restored as a death benefit to your organization.
- Then, you simply repeat the process, and in this way, you use the same money over And over again. It never runs out!
- See an example
- See how to get started
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The Organizational Plan: An Example
BFS Dual Legacy Charities, Inc.
What if
You could diversify part of your endowment into multiple investments and/or guaranteed options?You could withdraw 4% to 6% annually to covering operating expenses?
And… after using all that money for operating expenses (year after year), when your plan designee dies, your original investment (or more) is restored as a death benefit to [Your Organization]?
Here’s an example:
- Your Organization invests/transfers $2,000,000.
- Your Organization withdraws $100,000 (5%).
- Your Organization uses the $100,000 to cover specific operating expenses.
- Your Organization repeats step 3 annually for the next 15 years (withdraws $1,500,000).
- Plan designee then dies...
- Plan designee’s death benefit is then restored to the greater of the account value, or the total investment ($2,000,000).
- Your Organization receives the death benefit.
- selects another plan designee and repeats steps 1-7.
How Can Your Organization Get Started With This?
BFS Dual Legacy Charities, Inc.
1. We meet with your people in charge (in person or over ZOOM).
2. All questions are answered, particular to [Your Organization]’s needs.
3. You choose a plan designee or multiple plan designees.
4. We implement the plan at ZERO cost to Your Organization.
2. All questions are answered, particular to [Your Organization]’s needs.
3. You choose a plan designee or multiple plan designees.
4. We implement the plan at ZERO cost to Your Organization.